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Minor error in answer key for Coded pointed evens Instruction Booklet

There's an error in the Instruction booklet for the coded pointed evens. C1 contains 2 2s.

Yes, sorry for that. I hope this will not affect anyone's understanding of the rules.

What does it mean “lettered clues can be equal to any of the given numbered clues” in the rules for this puzzle? Just that any number is available, rather than only given numbers are available? If I read it as “lettered clues could be equal to any of the given numbered clues” would that make as much sense?

When you look at the example sudoku, there are two numbers (0, 2) and three letters (A, B, C) with an arrow outside the grid. This rule indicates that A, B or, C may replace also numbers 0 and 2 even though they are already used as clues.