This section contains information about WPF Sudoku GP tournaments.
Sudoku GP 2024
- 1st round - 19.1. - 24.1. - The Netherlands (extended)
- 2nd round - 23.2. - 28.2. - France
- 3rd round - 15.3. - 18.3. - Slovakia
- 4th round - 12.4. - 17.4. - China
- 5th round - 10.5. - 15.5. - Czech Republic
- 6th round - 7.6. - 12.6. - Turkey
- 7th round - 5.7. - 10.7. - India
- 8th round - 2.8. - 7.8. - Germany
The general rules about this tournament to be found in Rules.
Information only for Sudoku section: