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Sudoku Archive Missing Solutions for 2014 Round 1

It seems like the solutions for 2014 Sudoku Round 1 are missing in the archives. The URL is:, and it gives me:

The requested page "/sites/default/files/Sudoku%20Round1_sol.pdf" could not be found.

Thank you for your feedback.

It is fixed now.

Karel (Admin)


And I can not find the solution links for 2014 Sudoku Round 4, 5, 6 and 7.
If you can open this file, just change the "1" in "Round1" to 4, 5, 6, or 7, then the corresponding file will be opened.
I managed to open the 2016 Sudoku Round 8 and the 2015 Sudoku Round 7 puzzles in this way.

I have checked it and unfortunately I don't have the SB in my computer.
I'm afraid that those ones never existed.

I will try to check it.

Karel (Admin)

You must open it on the official website. You cannot open it from the files in your own computer.

I'm the one who is uploading the files to the web, so I think I will know if those ones are available or not :)

Karel (Admin)