Permalink Submitted by Harryjbeer on Sat, 02/05/2022 - 04:03.
I also had issues with obtaining the password and gained access to the password with 1hr 4min left on the clock. Can I email through the answers I found in the 26min after the clock was out? If not, totally understand
Permalink Submitted by mrtikiman on Mon, 02/07/2022 - 19:49.
I believe I've looked everywhere for the password link and have not been able to find it. If that in fact is the first puzzle, it appears I will get a zero!
2022 Puzzle GP1 - Password
Sorry for the problem, there was a glitch which needed to be fixed.
Right now it should be without issues.
Karel (Admin)
I also had issues with
I also had issues with obtaining the password and gained access to the password with 1hr 4min left on the clock. Can I email through the answers I found in the 26min after the clock was out? If not, totally understand
Password Link Missing
I believe I've looked everywhere for the password link and have not been able to find it. If that in fact is the first puzzle, it appears I will get a zero!
Password Link Has Reappeared
I don't know if anything was reset, but it is showing up now. Thank you!
How can I get the password, I cannnot see the Password section opened
password section
i cant go to password section . it isnt visible
Password section
Dear vatal drag: once you are logged in please click on the left menu on Puzzle GP, then section Password.
Or here is the direct link:
Karel (Admin)