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Fresh announcements about the WPF Grand Prix.

Announcement before the start of the WPF GP 2025

Dear competitors, as you know, the new WPF Sudoku GP season starts this Friday. Since several of you have reported that you can't log in, we are currently trying to resolve the issue with the databases.

That's also why we haven't sent emails with invitations yet. You can at least have a look at the IB of Round 1 from Serbian authors. We will inform you about the start or possible postponement of the competition soon.

Thank you for understanding!

WPF Puzzle GP5 - postponed start

Dear competitors,

we are really sorry for the inconvenience but we need to postpone the start of WPF Puzzle GP5 by 24 hours.

Thanks for understanding.

Karel (Admin)

Poll - duration of upcoming GPs

Dear players,
we have got some feedbacks that it would be great to prolong the GPs. Please vote in the poll what duration of each GP fits you the most.

Thank you very much for your feedback!

Link to the poll

Karel (Admin)

Site issues - Emails fixed

Dear players, there has been fixed issue with emails which are submitted from GP site... in case you have tried to reset your password or something recently and it didn´t work you may succeed now.

Karel (Admin)

WPF Sudoku GP2 2024 - IB Published

Dear Players,

The Instruction booklet for WPF Sudoku GP2 has been published and can be accessed below. Please feel free to post any queries on the Forum. All the best to all participants!

Problems with the server

Dear competitors,

WPF Puzzle GP1 + Sudoku GP2 (postponed start)

Dear players,

WPF Puzzle GP1 - problems with the server

Dear competitors,

we would like to apologize for the problems with the WPF GP site during this Puzzle GP1. Unfortunately the web hosting was not stable and we were facing many issues with the server.
Right now we are working hard on the migration to a new hosting. Hopefully the server for GP will be migrated before the next Sudoku GP.

Thank you very much for your understanding.

Best regards,
Karel (Admin)

WPF Puzzle GP1 - postponed start

Dear competitors,

we are really sorry for the inconvenience but the hosting where GP site is hosted was down more than 20 hours. Due to this fact we would like to inform you that the start is postponed to Saturday 3rd February 6AM and the GP will be prolonged till the end of Wednesday 7th February 2024.

Thanks for understanding.

Karel (Admin)

2024 Sudoku GP1 round - XV Puzzle (deep dive)

Dear competitors,

there has been more questions and objections regarding to the XV Sudoku in Sudoku GP1 and the fact that there weren't any marked signs V and X.
