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Fresh announcements about the WPF Grand Prix.

Sudoku GP - Round Switch

Dear players,

To facilitate the comfortable organization of the next Sudoku Grand Prix rounds, we have had to make a minor change to the schedule. The hosts of Round 5 and Round 7 have been interchanged. The dates of the rounds have not been changed.

The new schedule is as below:

Puzzle GP - Schedule changes

Dear Players,

Sudoku GP Round 3 - IB

The Instruction Booklet for the Sudoku GP Round 3 is now available.
If you have any questions regarding the puzzles, please use our forum. Thanks

Sudoku GP Round 2 - IB

The Instruction Booklet for the Sudoku GP Round 2 is now available.
If you have any questions regarding the puzzles, please use our forum. Thanks

WPF GP Puzzle Classes

Here you can find the list of players in Class A and Class B. If you are not listed there, you are eligible to have an official ranking in Class C. More about classes and divisions you can find in the Rules section.

Class A:

    Finished in the top 10 ranking for the 2014 Puzzle GP:
  • Zivanovic Nikola
  • Morinishi Kota
  • McGowan James
  • Nagata Yuta
  • de Laat Bram
  • Jo Hideaki
  • Ley Michael
  • Voigt Ulrich
  • Endo Ken
  • Zussman Neil

Puzzle GP1: Division C published!

Dear players,

there has been published Division C.
Good luck!

Karel (Admin)

Puzzle GP1: Division C - small publishing delay

Dear players,

I have a little problem to finish the Answering Form for Division C, so once it will be ready I will publish it here in News section.
I hope that I will be able to fix this problem soon.

Karel (Admin)

Puzzle GP Round 1

Welcome to the 2017 Puzzle GP. The start is this weekend, don´t miss it!
The Instruction Booklet for the Puzzle GP Round 1 is available.
If you have any questions regarding the puzzles, please use our forum. Thanks

Puzzle GP Round 8 - Preliminary results

Dear puzzle friends, we apologize for a delay with the Puzzle GP results caused by some technical issues. The preliminary results of the Competitive section are now available and the Casual part will be published later today. Thank you, Hana

Puzzle GP Round 5 - IB

The Instruction Booklet for the Puzzle GP Round 5 is now available.
If you have any questions regarding the puzzles, please use our forum. Thanks
